Competence for care and access to rural health
Competencia para el cuidado y acceso a la salud rural
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Objective: To describe the competence for care in the person with chronic disease residing in rural areas and their caregiver and to identify the barriers to accessing health services. Method: descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study, with a non-probability sample of 218 dyads (patient-caregiver), who met the study inclusion criteria and to whom the following instruments were applied: dyad characterization sheet; Competence for care in the home patient and caregiver and Survey of access to health services for Colombian households. Results: the competence for patient care reveals to be less than that developed by the caregiver, however, in both cases the greatest deficiency in rural residents is the lack of knowledge about the chronic pathology suffered, in this way becomes a challenge for care in rural areas. Likewise, it is evident that access to health services is limited in these populations, given by administrative, economic and displacement access barriers, which are facilitated by the conditions of the rural area. Faced with this scenario, the nurse becomes the ideal professional and with the appropriate capacities to mitigate these difficulties from their actions. Conclusion: In rural areas, the challenges are diverse and adverse, however, their intervention is necessary, with the aim of improving health conditions in the populations that reside there.
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