Characteristics of voluntary blood donors in universities of Neiva, Huila
Características de los donantes voluntarios de sangre en universidades de Neiva, Huila
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Objective: To describe the characteristics of voluntary blood donors at the Universities of Neiva Huila, during the promotions carried out by the blood bank of the Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital in agreement with the Surcolombiana University during the period 2013-2017. Materials and Methods: Descriptive observational study of cross-sectional, for the periods of January 2013 to December 2017, based on secondary sources provided by the National Network of Blood Banks, through the Blood Bank of the Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital of Neiva. A sampling was carried out as a convenience, meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined for the study. The variables analyzed were age groups, gender, ABO blood group and Rh factor. Results: During the study period, 6,547 voluntary blood donations were made, of which 85% (I.C 95%: 84.6-86.3) were occasional and 15% (I.C 95%: 13.6-15.6) usual. The ones who donated the most were men between the ages of 19 and 29. It was shown that the Rh-positive factor and the O+ blood group were the most prevalent in the donor population in 98.5% and 61.6% respectively. Conclusion: The usual voluntary donors are mainly men between the ages of 19 and 29, with blood group O and Rh+, since men can make a higher number of donations compared to women. Keywords: Population characteristics, Blood donors, ABO Blood-Group system, Blood, Rh-Hr Blood-Group System.
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