Challenges for mental health nursing after COVID-19

Desafíos para la enfermería de salud mental después del COVID-19

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Mental health nursing focuses on care from interpersonal relationships, is guided by its theoretical framework and methodological framework that make it an autonomous profession. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of many people, testing all levels of health care. Therefore, this article seeks to describe the realities, advances, and challenges for mental health nursing after the COVID-19 pandemic. Some elements that could improve the quality of the services are exposed, within which the development of: e-health research, mental health nursing in the general hospital, remote care, grief management, media and cooperation are mentioned. team up. Mental health nursing must take advantage of the challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic to innovate their professional practice based on scientific evidence.


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Author Biography (SEE)

Daniel, Universidad de Costa Rica

Máster en enfermería de salud mental, docente en la Escuela de Enfermería. San José, profesor adjunto en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Correo:


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