Development of a nursing theory derivation: Theory of transcendental spirituality

Desarrollo de una derivación teórica de enfermería: Teoría de espiritualidad trascendental

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Cecilia Ixel Mazatán-Ochoa

Nursing research usually adds a theoretical basis, which helps comprehend the reality of a nursing phenomenon; however, when the existent theories do not have the necessary elements for the exploration of a certain phenomenon it is possible to opt for a theoretical derivation that contains the attributes necessary for the development of a research. This work pretends to develop a theoretical derivation based on the theory of self-transcendence, to approach the phenomena of spirituality and quality of life for senior citizens. The latter under the methodology of Jaqueline Fawcett, which integrates five steps for the development of concepts, propositions, and relationships from the proposed theory derivation. Also, it encourages to use this proposal in future research to prove its efficiency.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Cecilia Ixel Mazatán-Ochoa, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Maestra en Enfermería. Docente.  Profesora de Tiempo Completo. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Piedras Negras, Coahuila. Correo: Orcid:


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