Psychological and social status in multiple sclerosis during COVID-19 quarantine

Estado psicológico y social en esclerosis múltiple durante la cuarentena por COVID-19

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Objective: Given that COVID 19 spread throughout the world, mainly affecting people who suffered from previous and chronic diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), this study sought to explore the emotional state, family support, compliance with the Self-care measures and access to health systems during quarantine of a group of Colombian patients with multiple sclerosis, because this health condition has special relevance, given its affectation to the immune and nervous systems. Materials and Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study was carried out, with a mixed approach and cross section, in which 31 patients with a diagnosis of MS participated, who were approached through semi-structured interviews via telecare. Results: More than half of the patients tend to remain emotionally stable during quarantine and the majority report maintaining favorable family ties. For their part, for most of the participants it was not possible to follow the quarantine strictly, due economic and health needs, and almost three quarters of them did not have problems accessing the health system. Conclusion: The emotional stability of the evaluated patients may be related to the adequate family support they refer, as well as to the possibility that they have presented of continuing to access the required health services. On the other hand, the breach of strict isolation may be associated with the fact that the participants were young adults and most of them were active in employment.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Juan Pablo Lopera-Vásquez, Instituto Neurológico de Colombia. Medellin, Colombia

Psicólogo, Msc. Neuropsicología clínica, PhD. Salud Pública. Neuropsicólogo en Instituto Neurológico de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. Correo: Orcid: 0000-0001-6689-4834

Yeiran Camilo Múnera-Rodríguez

Psicólogo clínico independiente, Medellín, Colombia. Correo: Orcid: 0000-0003-2848-0926


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