Self-perception of health among school-aged adolescents in times of pandemic by COVID-19

Autopercepción de salud de adolescentes escolarizados en tiempos de pandemia por COVID-19

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Kendy Paola Madero-Zambrano
Moraima Del Toro-Rubio

Introduction: Adolescence is an essential stage within the human life cycle. The presence of diseases at this stage can affect the ability to grow and develop to the fullest, especially when they are physical, psychological and occur in school contexts. Objective: To evaluate the self-perception of health of adolescent students enrolled in educational institutions in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Cartagena 2021. Materials and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational study. Population of 1188 students aged 12-17 years from two educational institutions in Cartagena (Colombia). Estimated sample of 319 subjects, selected through simple random sampling. A sociodemographic survey designed by the research team and validated by experts was applied and for perceived health status the SF-36 Health Questionnaire was used, the Spanish version culturally adapted to the Colombian context by Lugo, García and Gómez, which has Cronbach's alphas between 0.7 and 0.94. Results: The adolescents were mainly 15 years old (21.9%), in eighth grade (21.7%) and ninth grade (27.7%), they are dedicated to study (95.9%), in their families they earn less than the minimum wage (42.3%) and between 1-2 (40.8%). They live with father and mother, with or without siblings (72.7%), the parents are married or in union (60.5%) and both mothers (54.9%) and fathers (49.2%) have studied up to high school. Self-perception of health was good (32.6%) and excellent (33.9%). Statistically significant correlations (p < 0.05) were observed between self-perception and age, grade, father's schooling and assessment of academic performance. Conclusion: Despite the health emergency caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the self-perception of health of a group of adolescent students was favorable and positive



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Kendy Paola Madero-Zambrano, Corporación Universitaria Rafal Núñez. Cartagena, Colombia.

Enfermera, Magister en Auditoria y Sistemas de Calidad en Servicios de Salud, docente investigadora, lider grupo de investigación GISIBEC Corporación Universitaria Rafal Núñez, Colombia,,, Cartagena de Indias.

Moraima Del Toro-Rubio, Corporación Universitaria Rafal Núñez. Cartagena, Colombia.

Enfermera, Magister en educación, docente investigadora, Corporación Universitaria Rafal Núñez, ,,, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.


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