Bibliotherapy: strategy for emotional well-being in children during the COVID-19 pandemic

Biblioterapia: estrategia para el bienestar emocional en niños durante la pandemia COVID-19

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Luz Eugenia Ibáñez-Alfonso
Ana Cecilia Ojeda-Avellaneda
José Alejandro Gómez-Rodríguez
Emilio Cárcamo-Troconis

Objective: To determine the impact of children’s reading as a strategy for emotional support and well-being in children in school under COVID-19 lockdown. Methodology: Quasi-experimental study with pre-post intervention, under mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) and interdisciplinary approach (Nursing-Literature Studies-Education), with 50 research participants between 7 and 12 years old, from public schools of Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area (Colombia). After they were evaluated according to health domains from NANDA-II Taxonomy, four reading virtual sessions were given to research participants, applying the bibliotherapy intervention from Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC). In these reading sessions, external observers assessed emotional reaction from research participants, calculating their emotional balance indicator through a Nursing Outcomes Classification/NOC scale. Results: The most common nursing diagnoses (NANDA) were Willingness to improve resilience, Powerlessness and Risk of loneliness. Results show that research participants were going through a vulnerable condition in their mental and emotional sphere; they were feeling sadness, fear, and boredom. Facing this situation, the bibliotherapy intervention was proved as effective: from a start-NOC value of 4.0 in their emotional balance, research participants passed to an end-NOC value of 4.8. Conclusion: Results demonstrated that bibliotherapy have a positive impact on mental health and psycho-emotional state for vulnerable children under crisis contexts, because there was an improvement on emotional balance of research participants after reading intervention.



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