Middle Range Theory: Personal, environmental factors and alcohol consumption
Teoría de Rango Medio: Factores personales, ambientales y consumo de alcohol
Main Article Content
Alcohol consumption is considered a complex and multifactorial phenomenon that can be studied through various theoretical positions; however, some existing theories lack sufficient elements to explore and understand this phenomenon. Therefore, a Middle Range Theory is proposed that addresses personal, environmental, and social representations of alcohol consumption in young university students based on Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory and Moscovici's conceptualization of social representation. For this, the method of Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure proposed by Fawcett was used, consisting of five steps. The theory derived from this method contributes to the identification of a specific phenomenon for the discipline by determining concepts and their relationship with alcohol consumption in young university students. In addition, the incorporation of social representations as an innovative element for the deepening of the phenomenon. This proposal can be considered in future research to be tested and contribute significantly to the development of knowledge about alcohol consumption.
Article Details
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