Epidemiology of HIV in pregnant women in the department of Huila

Prevalencia del VIH en mujeres embarazadas en el Departamento del Huila

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Objective: Identify the epidemiological characteristics of pregnant women diagnosed with HIV in the department of Huila from 2013 to 2021. Materials and methods: An ecological study based on the review of secondary sources, DANE and SISPRO, in which variables of interest were filtered according to criteria for searching the information. Results: During the study period in the department of Huila, 41 diagnosed with HIV pregnant women,

most of whom were in the 15 to 29 age group were identified, with an estimated prevalence ratio for the department of 0.2 per 1,000 live births. A higher frequency of the disease was evidenced in Neiva municipality with 22 pregnant women 53.6% (IC95% 38.7-67.9). These pregnant women were mainly in the municipal seats 75.6% (IC95% 60.8-80.1), they were affiliated to the subsidized scheme 73.1% (IC95% 58.0-84.3), their socioeconomic level was low-low 41.4% (IC95% 27.7-56;6). Conclusions: The migration of the Venezuelan population to the Andean region, generated a considerable impact on public health in the region, since 56.1% of the cases were Venezuelan migrants. Keywords: HIV Infections; Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical; Migrant-Receiving Society; Vulnerable Populations; Pregnant Women.



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