Behaviors, attitudes and practices of the mother or caregivers in the management of acute diarrhea in children under five years

Conductas, actitudes y prácticas de la madre o cuidador en el manejo de la enfermedad diarreica aguda en menores de cinco años

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María del Pilar Gallardo-Lizarazo

Goal: to determine the beliefs of mothers and caregivers about the management of acute diarrhea in children under 5 years old in Bucaramanga city in the year 2015. Materials and Methods: the research is part of the quantitative paradigm by development of cross-sectional descriptive study; 200 mothers or caregivers of children under five were surveyed in Bucaramanga city,they were selected through stratified random sampling with proportional allocation, reliability and 95% margin of error of 7%. For data collection, a survey was conducted by the author with statistical validation and experts. Results: information on knowledge and traditions about the management of diarrhea and identify signs of dehydration by caregivers, which are analyzed in comparison with their social and cultural characteristics were obtained. Conclusions: in Bucaramanga city , mothers and caregivers of children under five years, continue the family tradition when it comes to checking for signs of dehydration and the old fashioned method in the management of diarrhea; most of them  go to see their doctor for treatment; however, there is a high percentage that also relies `Tegua-sobandero`. For the management of diarrhea, mothers or caregivers provide wines to children, increase the amount of fluids administered them ORS and guava juice.There were some differences concerning to the customs and traditions between socioeconomic and educational levels.



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Author Biography (SEE)

María del Pilar Gallardo-Lizarazo, Sanitas E.P.S. Bucaramanga

Médico. Médico General Consulta Externa. Estudiante Especialización en Epidemiología.

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