Evaluación de características asociadas a los egresados IPB – IB de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander en el período 2001 a 2011 con fines de acreditación del programa

Evaluación de características asociadas a los egresados IPB – IB de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander en el período 2001 a 2011 con fines de acreditación del programa

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María Alejandra Tarazona-Oliveros
Deisy Milena Espinel-Urbina
Sirley Karina Arroyo-Solano
Yaneth Amparo Muñoz-Peñaloza

The study focused on the Evaluation of characteristics associated with the graduates of the IPB-IB Program, where a system of information of the same was elaborated in a period between 2001 and 2011, as personal data, work development and studies carried out, counting on The collaboration of the different dependencies where this information is found, such as: General Secretary, planning office, alumni office, Eduardo Cote Lamus Library, IPB-IB Academic Program, Ministry of National Education and the Colombian Association of Biotechnological Engineers. In addition, a communication was established with the graduates through telephone and through the Program mail. On the other hand, an analysis was made about the labor insertion and job position of the same, where first a Directory of Graduates was created, in which we can find the place of work where it is located by sectors; Then a table was drawn up, showing the work place assigned to each one and the performance area, as well as the main characteristicOf the company associated to the performance of the graduate in the same. On the other hand, a survey-type format was created for the graduates, where the impact of the work developed in each of the entities was evaluated; A follow-up strategy was developed for both graduates of the UFPS and graduates of the IPB-IB Program. Finally, a Strategic Plan was created, in which the characteristics associated with the graduates were worked out, an Operational Plan with the respective activities and tasks to be carried out and a format to evaluate the performance by the students in the various companies as work of grade.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

María Alejandra Tarazona-Oliveros, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Estudiante de Ingenieria Biotecnologia

Deisy Milena Espinel-Urbina, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Estudiante de Ingenieria Biotecnologia

Sirley Karina Arroyo-Solano, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Estudiante de Ingenieria Biotecnologia

Yaneth Amparo Muñoz-Peñaloza, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander


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