Reflection on some key concepts of research in Mathematics Education: didactics, concept, competence, scheme and situation

Reflexión sobre algunos conceptos clave de la investigación en educación Matemática: didáctica, concepto, competencia, esquema y situación

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Bruno D’Amore
Martha Isabel Fandiño Pinilla

Mathematics Education, as a disciplinary field for the production of knowledge around the teaching-learning processes of Mathematics, is increasingly consolidated in the international arena. There are multiple studies that are carried out in different countries; this has generated the use with different meanings of several expressions, such as Didactics, Concept, Competence, Scheme, Situation, among others. In this brief essay, the author carries out some reflections that seek to clarify, from a certain perspective, the meanings of these key terms that often appear in the texts that deal with research in Mathematics Education.



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