Researchers and Statistical culture: A critical sight

Investigadores y cultura estadística: una mirada crítica

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Elizabeth Gandica de Roa

The term “Statistical Culture” refers to the capacity and knowledge that an individual or social group must have to understand, understand and analyze the data and statistical information. Studying the statistical culture in a group of individuals involves measuring knowledge and the way in which statistical applications are carried out, determining the level of reasoning and describing the attitude towards it. In the present investigation, these components were analyzed in the community of researchers from two Venezuelan universities. The community of researchers is made up of tutors, juries and / or advisors of degree works who work in the Postgraduate Deanship of each university. The research was carried out under the quantitative approach. The data collection was done through the technique of the survey and the test. The data collection instruments were: the “SOLO” taxonomy test, the “ATS” attitude test and the objective test. The data analysis was carried out with: descriptive analysis and factorial analysis of the main components, finding that the statistical reasoning in the researchers is at the uniestructural and prestructural levels; knowledge at a basic level; the statistical applications made are incorrect and the attitude is favorable towards statistics, with emphasis on a good disposition towards learning and updating knowledge. Analyze the Statistical Culture, evidenced the aspects of Statistics, that accompany the development of the diverse academic researches produced in the environment. This knowledge will delimit and strengthen the statistical methodological foundations, which face the development of all scientific research.



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