Strengthening of the mathematics competence problem solving in high school education, through learning based on problems (LBP)

Fortalecimiento de la competencia matemática resolución de problemas en educación básica secundaria, mediante el aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP)

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Sergio Andrés Páez Rolóna

In mathematics teaching, the implementation of strategies which permit the student to link to his immediate context is indispensable, aiming to be able to develop, in a meaningful way, his learning process. This research is developed based on Learning Based on Problems methodology (LBP), taking as an objective to analyze how it influences on the strengthening of the mathematics competence problem solving. Carried out in a quantitative approach and pre-experimental design, a descriptive analysis of the ability of the students to solve problems was done before the methodology, then, the results were compared both individually and collectively gathered in the test and post-test; and based on this, it was determined on what aspects this methodology strengthen problem solving competence in high school students. The results were to conclude that the problem-solving competence in the area of mathematics could be strengthened, in the ninth grade, being reflected in the improvement of students’ abilities to solve problems in the area and in fundamental geometric figures. The above evidenced in the results of the post test, this serves as taken as a base so that the students can find new knowledge more interesting, promoting the investigation in real contexts, making the meaningful learning easier and generating changes in the reasoning level.



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