Strengthening of scientific competences in the subject of physics for eleventh grade students in Colombia

Fortalecimiento de competencias científicas en la asignatura de física para estudiantes de undécimo grado en Colombia

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Yajaira Amparo Santafé Rodríguez

The area of natural sciences should be approached from an elementary perspective for the student, since it aims at the study of nature, through the use of the scientific method, specifically the experimental method, using as a basis the logical reasoning and the arithmetic calculation Therefore, the student during his study, must develop scientific skills to build meaningful learning that will serve him in his daily life. In the present article, the author presents various alternatives to strengthen such student competencies, product of a situation analysis with application of scientific research which is in process, so that they are contributions to the teaching of natural sciences, in this case of physics for the level of secondary education in Colombia



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