El cuento como estrategia didáctica para fortalecer las competencias de lectura y escritura en los estudiantes de los grados sexto y séptimo de un colegio del municipio de Cúcuta
El cuento como estrategia didáctica para fortalecer las competencias de lectura y escritura en los estudiantes de los grados sexto y séptimo de un colegio del municipio de Cúcuta
Main Article Content
Background: different projects are taken into account as a theoretical basis for the realization of this project where aspects such as strategies in the strengthening of reading and writing of the students of the world, emphasizing in Colombia and Norte de Santander. Objectives: Reading and writing skills were developed in the seventh grade students of a school in Cúcuta, through the teaching strategy Echémonos un cuento, emphasizing the writing of stories from different activities, designing different teaching strategies and applying them. Methods: a diagnostic stage was used to establish that the students in question had serious deficiencies in aspects of reading and writing, as evidenced by their academic performance and the internal and external tests (KNOWLEDGE) that they periodically present. Results: in response to these difficulties, didactic activities were designed and applied based on the story, which turned out to be an excellent didactic tool, since an active participation of the students was achieved and a noticeable improvement in the interpretation, production and diffusion of the students' speech, both in the oral and written parts. Conclusion: Regarding the improvement of academic performance, it should be clarified that this is a process that must be measured progressively, however, very satisfactory results are already beginning to be evident and that, clearly, will be evidenced in future external tests presented by the students.
Article Details
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