The analysis of local sensibility of a mathematical model on antibiotic resistance

El análisis de sensibilidad local de un modelo matemático sobre resistencia antibiótica

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Angie Alejandra Acosta-Alvarado
Eduardo Ibargüen-Mondragón
Miller Cerón-Gómez

The analysis of local sensitivity (ASL) is a rarely used method, but it is important when deciding which parameters within a model have the greatest influence or effect within it, it even allows the suppression of certain parameters whose sensitivity index is almost zero. In this research work the model of bacteria sensitive and resistant to the antibiotic of Esteva et al. (2011). To which ASL will be performed by means of the Turányi Normalized Local Sensitivity Coefficients method. The ASL reveals that the reproduction rate of sensitive and resistant bacteria are the factors that have the most influence within the proposed model.



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