Use of realistic mathematics and its relationship in learning probability, in a rural context

Uso de la matemática realista y su relación en el aprendizaje de la probabilidad, en un contexto rural

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Carolina Méndez-Parra
Robinson Junior Conde-Carmona
Teremy Tovar-Ortega

The relationship of random knowledge with the context is part of the baggage to face the current needs of society. The objective of the work is to characterize the use of realistic mathematics and its relationship in the learning of probability, in the rural context. Methodologically, the design is that of an action research, structured in five cycles: identifying the problem, creating the plan, executing it, providing feedback and characterizing said process. Then, observation, field diary, survey, questionnaire and unstructured interview were used as the techniques and instruments for data collection. In this way, different obstacles were revealed in some sections, which were overcome with realistic mathematics in a gradual and systematic way, which is why it was possible to conclude that this theory of mathematics education positively impacts the probabilistic learning process. due to the divergent abilities it develops to solve problems inherent in the environment.



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