Representation systems in solving arithmetic problems with verbal enunciation in seventh grade students

Sistemas de representación en la resolución de problemas aritméticos con enunciado verbal en estudiantes de grado séptimo

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Gibran Ferney Barajas-Caballero
Jaime Enrique Niño-Bernal

This research work, fruit of the results obtained in the master's thesis in mathematics didactics, aims to evaluate the use of representation systems in the resolution of verbally stated arithmetic problems (PAEV) in seventh grade students, for this purpose the action research method was applied, The first one refers to the type of verbal arithmetic problem according to its additive or multiplicative structure, the second category according to the execution and performance when solving problems, and the third category establishes the representation system or systems used by the students. The work has a sample of 20 seventh grade students from the school La Presentación Piedecuesta, in which different data collection instruments were used in order to diagnose, implement, and evaluate.  The model implemented for problem solving was the one proposed by Puig and Cerdán. The results indicate that there are notable differences between the initial diagnosis of the study and the final test, especially when making use of different representation systems to solve a verbally stated arithmetic problem. Therefore, the implementation of a model such as Puig and Cerdán's, guided by the teacher to help solve verbal arithmetic problems, strengthens the use of representation systems in seventh grade students, generating a greater space for the understanding of the problem.



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