Proposal of a sustainable urban drainage system for reduce flood levels in city of Cúcuta, Colombia

Propuesta de un sistema urbano de drenaje sostenible para reducir los niveles de inundación en la ciudad de Cúcuta, Colombia

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Nelson Javier Cely-Calixto

Drainage networks may present problems that hinder stormwater management due to climatic phenomena such as rainy and dry seasons. Malfunctioning storm drainage systems can deteriorate road structures and impede the proper mobility of vehicles and pedestrians due to flooding in the sector. The city of Cúcuta has only sanitary sewers, resulting in poor stormwater management. This is related to the fact that, in several sectors of the city, stagnation occurs and the sanitary infrastructure is saturated, becoming a problem at the time of rainfall. In this sense, the objective of this work is to solve the problem of rainwater stagnation at the intersection of Avenida 12E and Calle 2N, Cúcuta, Colombia, through Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Therefore, a proposal for stormwater conveyance and infiltration was developed through the application of mathematical equations using the methodology of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems design using Colombian Resolution 0330 of 2017. In addition, a 3D setting was made to visualize the landscape improvement with the implementation of sustainable drainage. The calculated design flow for the storm drainage was 8.48 m3/s, therefore, it was decided to divide the system into two parts to optimize the design. Based on the design parameters, a system with 9 grates, 2 pipe systems, 7 manholes, and 2 desanders was established. The proposal of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in the sector under study is an alternative for sustainable construction, which allows a reduction of negative impacts on the environment and the efficient use of water resources.



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