Infinitesimal perspectives in the characterization of diagrams associated with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's speeches

Perspectivas infinitesimales en la caracterización de diagramas asociados a los discursos de Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

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Anyelo David Moreno-Henao
Sol Karina Vega-Medina
Alberto Forero-Poveda

Mathematical practice is linked to various discourses and mathematical activities consolidated by authors, manifesting itself in methods and elements that can be the object of analysis in the work of some people whose main intention is to characterize their practice. One way of analyzing the referred elements is by making use of diagrams (understood as cognitive tools) that allow to recognize some scopes arranged in the approaches. The above highlights the fact of making a continuous monitoring of the situation and its resolution from the mathematical point of view, however, it should be noted that to make this type of rigorous exercises it is necessary to use the original writings of the author, in this case, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. For this reason, the present work will refer to elements linked to the discourse on infinitesimal perspectives, oriented mainly on the treatment, the need for the diagram and the mathematical activities involved. Subsequently, we will consider the analysis constructed in relation to the approaches that Leibniz made in each document and the appreciations on the pertinence of these diagrams when using them in mathematics education.



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