Strategies based on the box of polynomials that reduce difficulties in learning the factorization process of polynomials with integer coefficients

Estrategias basadas en la caja de polinomios que disminuyen dificultades en el aprendizaje del proceso de factorización de polinomios con coeficientes enteros

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Carlos Andrés Montenegro-Tobar
David Armando Solarte-Chincha
Oscar Fernando Soto-Agreda

The transition from arithmetic to algebra causes difficulties in students due to the change in the higher level of abstraction that algebra has with respect to arithmetic, since they encounter concepts where they must apply previous knowledge of a different nature and it is here where the student He faces various situations of insecurity, mistrust, fear, and the unknown. The objective of the research was to provide elements of reflection for the learning of factorization mediated by the use of the box of polynomials as a didactic tool. The methodology was framed in the qualitative approach, using an action research methodological design, using techniques such as questionnaires and observation to identify difficulties in solving factoring exercises in ninth grade students, workshops focused on the polynomial box tool were designed. to approach factoring in an innovative way and was finally evaluated with a post-test. The results of the investigation indicated that the most common difficulties of the students were in the simplification of terms, the identification of common factors and the application of factoring properties, which often led to incorrect answers. The findings obtained in each stage of the didactic strategy reflected the positive impact of the box of polynomials in the learning process, from familiarization with the tool to the application of algebraic-geometric procedures, it was observed how the students showed an improvement in their understanding and skills in factoring polynomials, concluding that technological tools are valuable to improve the teaching and learning of abstract mathematical concepts.



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