La violencia en la escuela

La violencia en la escuela

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Jesús Villamizar-Ibarra

The problem of violence in schools is a widespread issue in teaching environments. Situations of bullying in schools include both students and teachers themselves, with whom they must work to understand and reduce problem affecting both peaceful coexistence.
The aim of this review article was to analyze structural elements on violence in school, taking into account cultural and educational elements of today’s world, involving various aspects such as violent pedagogy related to the bureaucratization of the educational organization and social economic partner. The method of selection of explanatory information and analytical documentary research was applied as secondary sources of information, in order to familiarize the researcher with the subject matter of qualitative knowledge. The paper highlights the principles of participation, responsibility, autonomy, diversity and inclusiveness, recognizing children and adolescents as subjects of rights and the educational community as responsible for ways to exercise them, promulgated by the National System of School Coexistence and recently by Law 1732 of September 2014, by which the chair of peace is established in all educational institutions in the country, in order to ensure the establishment and strengthening a culture of peace in Colombia



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Author Biography (SEE)

Jesús Villamizar-Ibarra, Universidad Libre

Abogado en Universidad Libre, Contador Publico en UFPS, Licenciatura en ciencias de la educacion- ciencias empresariales

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