Reto al ingenio probabilístico: una propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las probabilidades

Reto al ingenio probabilístico: una propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las probabilidades

Main Article Content

Elizabeth Gandica-de-Roa

This research is oriented towards the use of unpublished games, as a methodological tool to support the teaching of probabilities, given by students of Statistics in Industrial Engineering from the National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET).

The project emerged as a strategy to improve the learning difficulties of probability models, aimed at reducing the high rate of reprobates on the topic, and expand the intellectual and creative potential of students, involving them in a recreational process that promotes reasoning skills, statistical creativity and logic processing. Several authors have shown that through the design of educational games, focused on “learning through play”, you can achieve a significant, prolific and fun learning.In addition to inducing creativity and ingenuity, which are fundamental pillars in engineering studies.

In this environment, students invent gambling, establish its rules, its entities and board design, and raise questions by identifying relationships between the game and the concepts of probability theory learned during lectures given. The game should contain different theoretical approaches, which need to be resolved by the players to advance on it. Through game evolution, concepts from the course are studied, resulting in an innovative methodological approach which encourages learning and acquiring knowledge that helps to reduce fears to calculation and interpretation of probabilistic events.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Elizabeth Gandica-de-Roa, Universidad Nacional Experimental Del Táchira

Licenciada en matemáticas, magister en administración de empresas, magister en matemáticas, Doctorante en Educación.

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