Exploración ética como aproximación a la educación integral en jóvenes de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Exploración ética como aproximación a la educación integral en jóvenes de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

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Ilva Rosa Solano-Guerrero
Jesus David Rubio-Ortega

This article aims to present a report of the research conducted with a group of enrolled university students in various academic programs Francisco University Paula Santander, including men and women aged between 18 and 25 years, who guided a workshop seminar “ethical commitment of youth”, who through a survey were asked about topics that relate to thinking and acting from a value component. The research design is presented in an explanatory level, allowing to identify the variety of thoughts when it comes to situations that deal with human behavior, ethics and values. Besides experiencing how the young century da man own reasons they do today and certainly different from the old, and concluded that modern man is part of a historical moment called “Postmodernism” as a process changes in the trend are operated for the benefit of the principle that leads to free development of personality, a young man who continues to conquer new areas: education, education, leisure, sport, fashion, schedules, work, communication, technology, among others. You drive the transformation of thinking and acting that starts with the individual, it permeates the family extends to society leaving morality in the hands of the law: thus is the current education who has an ethical commitment to restructure and guide the pedagogical practice, according to the principles which govern the law and conducting the training of young people to the entirety of their being as men towards a better society.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Ilva Rosa Solano-Guerrero, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Abogada. Licenciada en Lengua Castellana, especialista en ética y pedagogía

Jesus David Rubio-Ortega, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Especialista en ética y pedagogía

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