Las TICs y la lúdica como herramientas facilitadoras en el aprendizaje de la matemática
Las TICs y la lúdica como herramientas facilitadoras en el aprendizaje de la matemática
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The experience aims to show the advantages of implementing new strategies based on the playful and the use of new technologies in the classroom considering Excel, Geogebra and other interactive materials that offers the web as enabling tools and teaching mediation as directed students in grades
9, 10, and 11, which applies even in the institution, whose main object of study focused on the strengthening of variational geometric components and data systems, by applying activities that allow to explore, discover, build and communicate mathematical thoughts that allow them to solve
problems of everyday life.
Different strategies have been implemented practices or building experiences(theorems, definitions, axioms), implementation of free software (for tabular, graph and build) and the use of various web resources (videos, multimedia, blogs, wikis and other interactive) material; seeking to impact
student motivation, their attitude of learning mathematics through active learning that involves contact with reality, while developing their mental and creative abilities.
According to the results obtained during the implementation of thestrategy; The playful and ICTs as enabling tools, addresses the problem of low achievement, poor performance in external and apathy towards learning this area of knowledge tests, finding that has significant effects on the achievement of skills (reasoning, Communication and mathematical problem solving.
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