Sistema de indicadores de gestión en la calidad y productividad en la docencia universitaria

Sistema de indicadores de gestión en la calidad y productividad en la docencia universitaria

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José Vicente Sánchez-Frank
Héctor Fabian Parra-López

The research object of this work develops the theoretical aspects of the constructs quality and productivity in university teaching. It aims to design and implement a system for measuring quality and productivity in university teaching, based on new information and communication technologies (NICT), using indicators, with application in the Web environment. The research combines the two traditional approaches, the quantitative paradigm with the purpose of obtaining regularity patterns, answering the research questions and checking the hypotheses, and the qualitative level of technique and information capture strategy, with interviews In depth, and also at the level of data analysis, and interpretation of the results in the reduction, arrangement and transformation of the same, in order to obtain the experience of the four age groups of educators; According to what is contemplated in the thesis of the complementary diversity of the different research paradigms of the social sciences and education. The results in the two methodologies are used jointly for the design and implementation of a system for measuring quality and productivity in teaching, supported by new information and communication technologies, in a Web environment, using indicators.

The implementation of the system will help in the formulation, execution and follow-up of programs, aimed at the training of academic staff to contribute to improving the quality and productivity of teaching in the university.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

José Vicente Sánchez-Frank, Universidad Experimental del Táchira UNET, San Cristóbal

Licenciado en Educacion Mencion en Fisica y Matematica, Magister en Scientarum Estadistica, Doctor en Educacion.

Héctor Fabian Parra-López, Universidad de Granada

Abogado. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Especialista en Derecho Público. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Especialista en Derecho Electoral. Universidad del Rosario, Msc Derecho Público. Universidad Carlos III. España, Candidato a Doctor. Universidad de Granada. España

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