Lattice set di Lucidi, transparency game from new ceramic pieces

Celosía set di Lucidi, juego de transparencias desde nuevas piezas cerámicas Lattice set di Lucidi, transparency game from new ceramic pieces

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Innias Miguel Cadena-Gonzalez
Andrés Leonardo Galiano-Sánchez
Nelson Yamid Acevedo-Salazar
Astrid Matilde Portillo Rodriguez

In architecture it is necessary to always articulate the guidelines of comfort in the designs, and these can be very delimited according to the comfort one wishes to solve, so to speak of thermal comfort can result from the diverse use of passive and active techniques of bioclimatic Focused on the solution of passive techniques, the lattices are presented, as a technique of ventilation and natural lighting to the architectural spaces, but at the same time it is a technique with little innovation and technological updating, for which reason the present investigation proposes the design of lattices as passive thermal comfort techniques applied to facades from the combination of metal structures that serve as an assembly between the modules. The design starts from a methodology of three phases, which present analysis of the context, documentary research, and design proposal, articulating specialized software such as AutoCAD and Revit for modeling and solar analysis, and applying similar research results in the planimetry of the piece. The result is a design of a lattice without enamel that can be used from non-structural modules such as the skin of the building, which has a particular design that responds to thermal comfort components and technical and technological innovation in the San José de Cúcuta region, in Norte de Santander.



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