Development of a hatch system for the determination of diffusible hydrogen in underwater welding

Desarrollo de un sistema de escotilla para la determinación de hidrógeno difusible en soldadura submarina

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Rodrigo Fernandes-Lara
Andrés M. Moreno-Uribe
Alexandre Q. Bracarense

The design and implementation of hatch mechanism aims to optimize the development of welding simulations performed in the Robotic, Welding and Simulation Laboratory. The project is part of the upgrade technologies applied to sciences of the sea, and make it possible to evaluate the influence of welding parameters on SMAW and FCAW processes, especially as regards the content of diffusible hydrogen specimen welding in different depths. Due to the specifications imposed by the gas chromatography standards applied to welding, tests must be carried out at short intervals, which requires a fast process. This research will promote the evaluation of commercial electrodes and promote the development of new consumables.



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