Analysis and graphic estimation of the behavior of COVID-19 in Colombia, Santa Marta and Cartagena focused on lethality.

Análisis y estimación gráfica del comportamiento del COVID-19 en Colombia, Santa Marta y Cartagena enfocado a la letalidad

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This document presents the analysis of the behavior of daily cases of contagion and deaths from COVID-19. This is carried out to demonstrate the advance of the pandemic from its beginnings and to estimate the impact of this soon of so that health entities are prepared to execute mitigation and containment plans in the population. To achieve its realization, the method of Polynomial Regression and Normal Distribution was used. The results obtained are the curve that models the behavior of cases of contagion and death from the beginning and the prediction of how this will proceed until the end of 2020. The estimation charts model the behavior of COVID-19 based on its ideal procedure.



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