Generalities and contribution to the study of the Darrieus type turbines

Generalidades y aporte al estudio de las turbinas tipo Darrieus

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Humberto Alejandro Rolón Ortiz
Carlos Acevedo Peñaloza
Yesenia Villamizar González

This study presents the procedure of modeling and simulation of a Darrieus rotor with the objective of determining the capacity to take advantage of the energy contained in the water currents for the generation of electrical energy using the model of double disc and multiple stream tubes (DMST). Initially different aerodynamic profiles were analyzed, the profile with the best performance was selected taking into account the coefficients of sustentation and resistance, later these coefficients were extrapolated by Montgomery's method using MATLAB software. In this way, the sustentation and resistance coefficients corresponding to the established operating conditions were obtained, and then these data were used to develop the characteristic curve of the Darrieus rotors solving the mathematical model. Finally, the results obtained from the mathematical model were compared with those obtained through a CFD simulation with the Ansys Fluent software. It was determined that both the mathematical model and the computational simulation generated results similar to the analytical and experimental studies performed by other researchers.

Keywords: CFD,Hydrokinetics,Simulation,Mathematical model



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