Environmental services of water resources, as part of the Ocaña region city proposal

Servicios ambientales del recurso hídrico, como parte de la propuesta de ciudad región Ocaña

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José Manuel Alba Maldonado
Diana Milena Valdes Solano
Sandra Durán Durán

The article establishes a conceptual framework of the Ocaña region city, taking as axis the environmental services of the water resource; in this sense, a reflection is made around the city region and environmental services, and subsequently a cartographic delimitation is made of what could be a proposal of the Ocaña Region city based on water resources through the basins where it is supplied. As a main result, a delimitation was designed on how Ocaña should be understood from the water supply and responsibilities regarding its use with the other municipalities, due to this, the Algodonal River is taken as the main water source of the city and as references, the municipalities with which the city is related, with a view to contributing to a proposal of the Ocaña region city. It was possible to identify the relations of the city of Ocaña with the water environmental services of the region, highlighting on the one hand its relationship with other municipalities, strategic ecosystems and water basins. Cartographically delimited a proposal of city region starting from the ordering of the basin of the cotton river, dividing it into high, medium and low basin. It is concluded that the city of Ocaña has been built from its environmental relations with the region and that this leads to the need to plan a new city model, based on the recognition and responsibility of this within a proposal of the city region.



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