Impact on personal security against the regulation of cybercrime at the University of Pamplona, Villa del Rosario headquarters

Impacto sobre la seguridad personal frente a la regulación de la ciberdelincuencia en la Universidad de Pamplona, sede de Villa del Rosario

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Tatiana Valentina Ovalle Lizcano
Rocío de Belén Contreras Manrique

Computer crime and its evolution in Colombia, is relevant, the computer crimes described in Law 1273 of January 5, 2009 on the protection of information and data. Therefore, in the political constitution, article 15. All persons have the right to their personal and family privacy and their good name, and the State must respect them and enforce them, also, they have the right to know, update and rectify the information that they have been collected on them in databases and in archives of public and private entities. For this reason, cybercriminals, have specialized mainly in theft through computer means, this being the most common cybercrime in the city of Cúcuta, where citizens have been affected by this criminal modality in recent years. The research has a quantitative, non-experimental approach and the research design is descriptive-purposeful, random sampling and a sample of 100 students from the University of Pamplona, ​​a questionnaire was applied. Results and analysis. The first category in social networks stood out, 84% in students responded that Yes, They have seen how the privacy of another person is exposed by the incorrect handling of information, photos, videos, etc., in social networks; Next, 95% of the students responded that Yes, they would like more information about computer crimes and information about their prevention and virtual theft category, 53% of the students answered that Yes, they know people victims of virtual thefts. To finalize, it is relevant that they provide information and guidance through training meetings and in turn implement group strategies to raise awareness in the educational community through personal security against the regulation of computer crimes.



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Article Details

Ley 1273 de 2009 ( artículo 2691), artículo 240 de la Ley 599 de 2000

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