Analysis and assessment of the terrain instability in urbanization projects. A case study in Tijuana, Mexico

Análisis y evaluación del riesgo por inestabilidad del terreno en proyectos de urbanización. Un estudio de caso en Tijuana, México

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Aldo Onel Oliva-Gonzales
Romel Jesús Gallardo-Amaya

This article explains aspects related to the risk produced by the terrain instability and its components (hazard and vulnerability), different methods to estimate it, its main conditioning and triggering factors, and the close link with urbanization processes in areas of rugged topography and complex geological - geotechnical conditions. A procedure is described that allows analyze and assessment this risk in urbanization projects, as an essential tool for making decisions about its feasibility and viability; and the results of its application in a case study in the metropolitan area of Tijuana, Mexico, are presented.



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