Speleological characterization and biological inventory of the Diablo ́s Cavern in the municipality of Becerril, Cesar’s Department, Colombia

Caracterización espeleológica e inventario biológico de la Caverna del Diablo en el municipio de Becerril, Departamento del Cesar, Colombia

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Frederick Vides-Navarro
Ángelo Montes-Calderón
Giovanni Fernández-Cuello
Elías Rojas-Martínez

Objective: This study aims to characterize the most important aspects of the Devil´s cave, including biophysical, geological, speleological and morphological components. Methods: A descriptive research from observations in situ, specific technical work of topography, geology, speleology and biology, along with study of related literature has been conducted. Results: The methods used allowed us to learn about the natural richness inside the cave, with outstanding karst landforms (speleothems), presence of fish, crustaceans and other organisms that might be endemic. The information obtained indicates that the origin of the cavity is due to fluvial erosion processes and forced circulation of streams, evidenced in its shaped rosary surface on the interior walls of the structure. Landforms are mostly at the entrance of the cavity in varieties like Stalactites, Castings, Sandsicles and Gours. The biophysical component is the most distinctive aspect of the cave, consisting in a good dynamic of ventilation, permanent presence of water, high humidity and variety of wildlife, including taxa as Chiroptera, Araneae, Anura, Lepidoptera, Blattodea stand, Rodents, Oligochaeta, Dermaptera, siluriform and Decapods. Conclusions: Lithologically, the cavity is framed in limestone rocks rich in organic matter with variation in surface color belonging to the La Luna Formation, the low humidity of the cavity at its entrance and high carbonate content favored the formation of large numbers of speleothems. The inside observations and studies on the water stream showed that biophysical conditions of this place are suitable to house a rich diversity of wildlife.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Frederick Vides-Navarro, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.

Ingeniero de Minas.

Ángelo Montes-Calderón, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.

Ingeniero de Minas.

Giovanni Fernández-Cuello, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.

Estudiante Ing. Minas.

Elías Rojas-Martínez, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.

Esp. Minería a cielo abierto.

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