Colombian exports from the Agroindustrial sector to the Chilean market between 2014 and 2019: Analysis and opportunities.

Exportaciones colombianas del sector Agroindustrial al mercado de Chile entre los años 2014 y 2019: Análisis y oportunidades.

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Angélica Yulieth Duarte Ortega

This research analyzes the behavior of Colombian agro-industrial exports to Chile between 2014 and 2019, this study has a quantitative approach as it is based on statistical data from secondary sources, its design is not experimental because it is a systematic study and only already existing situations are observed, It is a type of study that seeks to determine the causes of the behavior of exports in the Colombian agro-industrial market to Chile between 2014 and 2019. Legiscomex historical data is taken and then it is tabulated, plotted and analyzed, a matrix is ​​also designed to facilitate the analysis of the data and unknowns that are not solved with the base data without concatenating and finally it is determined through the “Porter’s Diamond” the challenges and opportunities that Colombia faces to increase the amount of exports and diversify them. The results show that exports decreased considerably in the first years after the Pacific Alliance came into force and then slowly began to gain strength.


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