Evolution of the departmental competitiveness report between the years: 2016-2022 in the department of Norte de Santander.

Evolución del informe departamental de competitividad entre los años: 2016-2022 en el departamento norte de Santander.

Main Article Content


This article analyzes the competitiveness of Norte de Santander, making a review of the Departmental
Competitiveness Index in the last 5 years in order to understand what has been the evolution and improvement
of the region, also opens a space for discussion and reflection on the position of Norte de Santander in relation
to other departments, It also opens a space for discussion and reflection on the position of Norte de Santander
in relation to other departments, identifying which are the weakest pillars and on which strengthening policies
should be proposed to improve the overall rating of the IDC for Norte de Santander, transforming the perspective
of the department since this index is taken as a benchmark of development and evolution of each department in
the country, which would attract more investment, greater economic movement and diversification.


Article Details


Rodríguez-Hernández, F. A. Martínez-González. S. Marulanda-Ascanio. C. (2023), “Evolución del informe

departamental de competitividad entre los años: 2016-2022 en el departamento norte de Santander”. Visión Interncional, vol.

, no. 1, 7-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22463/27111121.xxx.

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