Telephone intervention and profi ciency to take care of people with a chronic disease

Intervención telefónica y competencia para cuidar de personas con enfermedad crónica

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Lizeth Adriana Gonzalez-Vega
Gloria Mabel Carrillo-Gonzalez

Objective: To determine the effect of a telephone intervention in people with chronic disease to improve their skills in home care. Method: Descriptive and exploratory study, including 37 patients with chronic disease, defined as cases; they were admitted to a health institution in the city of Bogotá. The telephone intervention was applied for 1 month after the hospital discharge, before and after the skills for home care were evaluated and each telephone follow-up was recorded to determine the users' perception of them. Results: The majority of patients are male, with diagnoses of hypertension, diabetes mellitus type II, COPD, renal disease and heart failure, an average age of 66 years; and the occupation of the participants was home. 100% of the sample has more than one chronic disease and low levels of dependency. The competency to care reported medium levels prior to the beginning of the intervention, at the end it increased, with statistically significant changes. In terms of perception, this intervention is acknowledged as a continuity of care, issues of interest arise on the regulation of water consumption, medication administration and diet; and it demands the approach of the emotional, social and economic components. Conclusions: Telephone intervention is an effective tool to increase the competence of care for people with chronic illness at home, generates perception of safety, continuity and link with the health team.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Lizeth Adriana Gonzalez-Vega, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Enfermera. Magister en Análisis sistémico. Joven Investigador Colciencias

Gloria Mabel Carrillo-Gonzalez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Doctora en Enfermería. Magister en Enfermería. Profesora Asociada Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

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