Evaluation of knowledge for the non-pharmacological management of pain
Avaliação dos conhecimentos para o tratamento não farmacológico da dor
Main Article Content
Interventions for pain relief are classified as pharmacological and non-pharmacological; the first include the administration of analgesic drugs and the second are complementary therapies. The objective of this study was to design and to validate a measurement instrument called "Knowledge about non-pharmacological interventions for pain relief”, to assess the level of knowledge about non-pharmacological pain management in a group of professional nurses and nursing assistants of a health institution in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Methods: The instrument was developed in two phases; the first phase consisted of the bibliographic search for the design, facial and content validation by experts. In the second phase was evaluated test/re-test reliability. Results: The final version of the questionnaire includes six dimensions proposed by the National Institute of Alternative Medicine of the United States with 30 items. The reliability of this instrument was low (Kappa-Cohen Index <0.60) in 80% of the items. Conclusion: This is the first instrument designed to measure the knowledge about non-pharmacological pain management in nurses and nursing assistants in our country, however, it is necessary to continue with processes that allow to improve their reliability and to evaluate their validity.
Article Details
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