Uncertainty in caregivers in association with symptom burden of terminally ill patients

Incertidumbre en cuidadores en asociación con la carga de síntomas de pacientes terminales

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Luz Marina Urriago-Gomez
Jorge Andrés Ramos-Castañeda
Alejandra Maria Alvarado-Garcia

Objective: To determine the level of uncertainty of the family caregiver (FC) of the terminally hospitalised person and its association with symptom burden and patient functionality. Materials and methods: Observational cross-sectional study, in which the prevalence of uncertainty in the FC of terminally ill hospitalised patients was identified using the uncertainty scale. In addition, the symptom burden was assessed using the Edmonton scale in terminally ill patients hospitalised in a highly complex health institution. Results: The sample included information from 69 CF and terminally ill hospitalised patients. 85.51% of caregivers had a medium level of uncertainty. A statistically significant lower level of uncertainty was observed in the CF, the greater the intensity of the patient's pain (p=0.04), as well as in nausea (p=0.0004), depression (p=0.03) and anxiety (p=0.025) according to symptom burden. Discussion: The experience of the caregiver of a terminally ill patient, reflected in the uncertainty of the patient's illness, is mainly related to the functional dependence of the patient, probably due to the impact that their lack of sufficiency can have on the daily routines of the family caregiver, which can completely alter the family dynamics and generate overload, stress, anxiety and communication disorders. Conclusion: The majority of FC of terminally ill patients are women of productive age, with a family burden, and with a medium-high level of uncertainty about the patient's illness. The uncertainty of the family caregiver is different according to the patient's symptoms.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Alejandra Maria Alvarado-Garcia, Universidad Antonio Nariño. Bogotá, Colombia

Grupo de investigación innovación y cuidado, facultad de enfermería, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia


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