Adherence to self-monitoring in type 2 diabetes: “ClouDi” platform vs. Face-to-face follow-up

Adherencia al automonitoreo en diabetes tipo 2: plataforma “ClouDi” vs. Educación presencial.

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Claudia Patricia Rubio-Reyes
María Paula Forero-Cerquera
Katherine Morales-Murillo
Rodrigo Andrés Ruiz-Lurduy
Diana Cristina Henao-Carrillo
Ana María Gómez-Medina
Maira Alejandra García-Jaramillo

Introduction: In Colombia, there are no studies describing sociodemographic factors or adherence to treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2) in transition from hospital to outpatient setting in telemedicine follow-up. The objective is to evaluate adherence in DM2 patients associated with the educational program at the HUSI of Bogota, using the ClouDi platform with face-to-face education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methodology: Prospective longitudinal study, whose population and unit of analysis are patients with a diagnosis of DM2 hospitalized in the HUSI, assessed by diabetes education consultation of the endocrinology unit, requiring insulin treatment at hospital discharge in the period October 2020 to 2021.

Results: Of the 86 patients (44% female, 41 ClouDi users, mean age 58.8 ± 11.2 years, with a mean duration of diabetes of 7.8 ± 7.4 years), 53.6% were in stratum 2, 92.9% belonged to the contributory system, 42.9% had basic primary education and 51.2% were employed. Adherence to use of capillary glucose monitoring in ClouDi patients compared to usual care patients (64.4% vs. 28.2%, p <0.001). No significant difference was found between capillary glucose monitoring adherence and sociodemographic variables.

Conclusion: Association between adherence to capillary glucose monitoring and use of ClouDi. No association was observed with clinical factors, including HbA1c level or weight at discharge.


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