Dimensiones de la tecnología en la formación inicial de profesores de matemáticas: un estudio desde el currículum oficial
Dimensiones de la tecnología en la formación inicial de profesores de matemáticas: un estudio desde el currículum oficial
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Implementation of technology in teaching-learning mathematics requires a change in teaching practice. This change can be promoted from the initial training of mathematics teachers. In order to achieve this further research on the different aspects affecting is necessary; one of these is the official curriculum recognized as an institutional- type variable. Therefore, a comparative study of four representative bachelor degree programs in Mexico, dedicated to the initial training of high school mathematics teachers is presented; particularly, it is identified how technology is present in the thematic programs of the subjects in the area of Educational Mathematics and in three documents serving as a reference in the design of programs directed to the initial and continuous training of High School Level mathematics teachers. The methodology adopted in this research is qualitative, considering that it is based on an interpretative analysis. For this, a content analysis was made to the official curricula of the Applied Mathematics bachelor program from the Autonomous University of Puebla; Mathematics program from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas; Teaching of Mathematics bachelor program from the Autonomous University of Baja California and the Educational Mathematics program from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. This observation is complemented by the content analysis of the Comprehensive Reform of High School Education and Tuning for Latin America. The results show that the three levels of use of technology (informatics, technical and technological-didactical) are present. However, there are levels of intentionality, which might be depending on other different variables.
Article Details
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