El aprendizaje del cálculo y nuevas tendencias en su enseñanza en el aula de matemáticas

El aprendizaje del cálculo y nuevas tendencias en su enseñanza en el aula de matemáticas

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Fernando Hitt

The learning problems of calculus have been documented for several decades by researchers in mathematics didactics. A great effort in that sense has been provided by the group called "advanced mathematical thinking". Although the group has provided a great perspective on the learning problems of calculus, the problem persists on the teaching side. Among the changes made in the curriculum promoted by the research in didactics of the calculation can be detected three major variants. One, linked to the impulse of theories about representations, which has emphasized the conversion processes between representations, another, linked to teaching methods including technology; and one, more recent, that emphasizes the processes of mathematical modeling. The latter is outlined in the teaching of calculus introducing problem situations (paradigmatic situations) that have to do directly with mathematical modeling and use of technology.



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