Contextualized evaluation as a teaching strategy to improve the development of mathematic competences in state examination

Evaluación contextualizada como estrategia docente para potenciar el desarrollo de competencias matemáticas en Pruebas Saber

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Sandro Javier Velásquez- Luna
Jorge Leonardo Celis - Gutiérrez
Cesar Augusto Hernandez Suárez

The following investigation set up the contextualized evaluation as a teaching strategy to improve the development of mathematic competences in the state examination. It intends to diagnose the improvement strategies, determine the viability and propose evaluating processes to develop the mathematic competences according to the guidelines of the state examination the investigation was made with the aim that the teacher could encourage and develop in his/her students quantitative reasoning competences, interpretation and representation, formulation and execution and reasoning and argumentation. Through given contexts in the new standardize national system line up.  In order to achieve this it was necessary to observe the reality, therefor, the following investigation is placed inside the quantitative paradigm of a feasibility study type, its investigation design is non experimental of a descriptive level and its method is a field method. The preformed analysis has allowed us to observe comparative results of the state examination of 11º in different institutions of primary and high school education. Since also the reality of the evaluating process implemented for teachers, who need constant preparation in evaluating processes. It is necessary a change in the way of evaluate and action processes improvement strategies related. In that sense, the contextualized evaluation is set up as an answer to the will of improve the quality rates and change the way of evaluate, at the same time trying to take evaluation in order to transform it in a formative process which would be much more meaningful and apply improvement strategies with the teacher’s accompaniment.  



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