Abstract Thinking from Interdisciplinary Math

El pensamiento Abstracto a partir de la interdisciplinariedad de las Matemáticas

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Jessica Tatiana Rojas Gómez

When the mathematic science begin as the science that show the human abstract thinking consider the process in which the men takes a real situation and he transforms it in a mathematic’s law, the human thinking’s development catch the need to convert a problem into a process thinking that can gives the solutions and the same time founds an other situations that have its solutions. The Mathematic calls it “Theorem” from a conditions the tesis is verified but this is not only the tesis it is the verify of the similar situations that indicated the same conditions and solutions. The abstract thinking derives the fundamental steps that can use a singularity problem and through the process used to found its solution, it’s possible found the law that describe the performance’s set necessary to develop it.



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Russian Mathematical Surveys, Volume 27, Number 1

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