Strengthening of numerical thinking through didactic strategies that develop communicative skills in students of the third grade of primary education

Fortalecimiento del pensamiento numérico a través de estrategias didácticas que desarrollen competencias comunicativas en los estudiantes del grado tercero de educación primaria

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Diana del Pilar Iscalá -Tobito

This article entitled “Strengthening numerical thinking through didactic strategies that develop communicative skills in students in the third grade of primary education”, refers to a research that is in process, which arises from the pedagogical experiences experienced by its author, who has been observing the communicative difficulties presented by the students of this degree and level of study, for which it considers pertinent to design various teaching strategies, which will allow them not only to strengthen their numerical thinking, but also to facilitate their communicational process that will be projected in your daily life. To achieve this goal, an action research methodology is proposed, from the qualitative approach, where the object of study is the learning process of 14 students of the third grade, of the morning session of the Headquarters José Eusebio Caro No. 23, whose average ages are between 8 and 11 years. The results obtained in the SABER tests with their respective analysis, the discussion, the diagnostic test, the direct observation, the pedagogical diary and the application of workshops in class are used as instruments for gathering information.



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