Proposal for a transversal and interdisciplinary curriculum for mathematics

Propuesta para un currículo transversal e interdisciplinar para matemáticas

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Sara Jaimes Suárez

Therefore, this research aims to develop an interdisciplinary and crosscurricular macroproject in the area of mathematics, for post-primary for Cer La Laguna de Silos. The philosophical approach of qualitative research is applied and a qualitative case study is used since “it constitutes a description and in-depth analysis of a system” (Valenzuela and Flórez 2012. p.90). It is based on international, national and local backgrounds, theories that speak of curriculum, active school, transversality and interdisciplinarity. The math teacher, the principal and four students were taken as a sample, one from each grade from sixth to ninth grade. Two semistructured interviews were applied as instruments of information collection, one at the beginning of the process to all the participants of the research and one at the end of the students; In the same way, an observation was made through a file in which the work was recorded with the transversal guide of mathematics making use of the computers. It ends with the presentation of results and the conclusions that are triangulated with the theories and objectives.



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