Learning the composition of axial symmetries supported with GeoGebra® dynamic geometry software

Aprendizaje de la composición de simetrías axiales apoyados con el software de geometría dinámica GeoGebra®

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Oscar Jardey Suárez

The objective of the research is to compare the learning in the composition of axial symmetries supported with GeoGebra in two groups of students, one through the teaching that is usually worked in the institution and the other with the Learning Based on Collaborative Projects (ABPC), in the midst of the pandemic due to COVID-19. The methodological approach of the research is mainly quantitative, it is supported by the U-Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon hypothesis tests. The activities were characterized by being synchronous (Microsoft® Teams Platform) and asynchronous (OneDrive®, GeoGebra and Teams). The Educational Institution has an emphasis on mathematics and is located in a municipality near the city of Bogotá – Colombia. The results show a statistically significant gain in both groups in learning the composition of axial symmetries; However, the group that worked with the ABPC presented a higher average in their learning. Among the main conclusions is that organizing the work, from the teaching activity, to be developed in a group through strategies such as the ABPC supported with GeoGebra, can potentially have a greater gain, in relation to the achievement of learning geometry.



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