The study of geometric properties of regular polyhedra: a digitally mediated approach

El estudio de propiedades geométricas de poliedros regulares: una propuesta mediada con tecnología digital

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Robinson Junior Conde-Carmona
Luis José Camacho-Mendoza

The objective of the research was the design and implementation of a-didactic situations making use of the stages of school geometry and dynamic geometry software as a didactic means; for learning the properties of regular polyhedra. The designed situations were applied to fifth grade students in elementary school. The proposal was based on the theory of Didactic Situations; and in the methodological process of research and analysis, Didactic Engineering was a reference. The results of the investigation allowed to determine important aspects in the development of the stages of school geometry and the competences of communication, reasoning and solution of geometric problems; in addition to ratifying the didactic potential that digital technologies offer in the teaching and learning processes of Geometry.



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