Preliminary Identification of Skin Lesions using Efficient Computational Learning Techniques

Identificación preliminar de lesiones cutáneas mediante técnicas de aprendizaje computacional eficientes

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Carlos Vicente Niño-Rondón
Diego Andrés Castellano-Carvajal
Byron Medina-Delgado
Sergio Alexander Castro-Casadiego
Dinael Guevara-Ibarra

Machine learning (ML) is one of the fields of artificial intelligence that offers algorithms to
predict from samples the effective detection of skin lesions caused by skin cancer. This paper presents the
preliminary identification of skin lesions using optimized algorithms for texture feature extraction by
GLCM and feature-based learning (LightGBM, SVM and HAAR Cascade) as an initial stage for a
diagnostic tool. The HAM10000 skin lesion image set, Python programming language and open sourcebased libraries are used to process the images, extract the features and train the learning models, determine
the performance and hit rate of the models. Based on the results obtained, the LightGBM classifier required
the shortest learning time, reduced CPU usage and 90 % accuracy rate



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